Monday, August 22, 2011

And then there was one.

Me. In a quiet house.  All by myself.  It's nice but, it's really weird. The boys did great on their first day of drop off at kinder and 2nd grade.  Ben basically said "see ya".  He was not scared or sad. I know he is more than ready but, I wasn't sure if I was.  You know the cliche saying after you have kids, "enjoy every minute, they grow up so fast!".  Well, every word is 100% true. We had a great summer, lots of fun adventures, and it flew by!  Now, it's back to work and to start projects around our house that I have been talking about doing for years but never got around to.  Here are a few pics from this morning!  Hope you all had a great summer!!!!!!!!!  xoxo

1 comment:

Samantha Prochaska said...

Aww - they are so grown up! :)



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